They say this happened in University of Port Harcourt yesterday. It’s
too weird so I’ll let the person who sent it in explain to y’all. Read
A level 100 student of History and Diplomatic Studies early yesterday
encountered an ordeal when he had a handshake with a level 400 student
of medicine and surgery and immediately he felt incomplete and he
checked to notice that his joystick was missing and he raised an alarm
immediately. All thanks to the Great Madelites in hostels that came to
his rescue, but before any explanation from the joystick taker, students
had already descended on him and he later confessed he took the
joystick and pleaded that they should give him time to bring back the
missing joystick but the students were not patient and continued with
the beating before the school security came to take up the matter which
have been taken up now by the Nigerian Police Choba for further

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