Home » » Pamela Anderson says she's cured of Hepatitis C, posts nude pic to celebrate

Pamela Anderson says she's cured of Hepatitis C, posts nude pic to celebrate

Pamela Anderson had much to celebrate this week. The 48-year-old star took to Instagram to ecstatically reveal that she is free of Hepatitis C after being cured by an anti-viral drug. To mark the occasion, Pammie shared a naked vacation snap of herself and wrote alongside it:
'I am cured! - I just found out. I pray anyone living with Hep C can qualify or afford treatment. It will be more available soon. I know treatment is hard to get still... #dontlosehope #itworkedforme #iwanttohelp #cannes #iloveboats #onthesea #free'
The mother-of-two revealed in 2002 that she had contracted Hep C by sharing a tattoo needle with ex-husband Tommy Lee. See the full pic after the cut...


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